Get In Touch

We are happy to answer any questions you have about our products.
Contact Us
We are happy to answer any questions you have about Panasonic Toughbooks and our products. Please use this form to kick off the process for questions you have before you purchase a product from us.

If you have technical support questions about a product(s) you have purchased from us, please use the Support form below.

Contact Us
How would you like us to respond?
When requesting a return, please share the following information with us to start the process. Please give us the information that was used to purchase the computer.

How would you like us to respond?

Once we match this information to our records and confirm the status of the guarantee, we will email you with instructions to return the computer to us and a shipping label.

It is your responsibility to return the computer to us in a manner that doesn't damage the computer. Please see our Guarantee (make this a link to the page) page for details.

If you have questions about a product(s) you have purchased from us, please use this form to kick off the process. Please share with us as many details as you can so we can begin our support as soon as possible.

If you have questions before you purchase a product from us, please us the Contact Us form above.

How would you like us to respond?


Monday to Friday
9 am to 6 pm EST


Sales: 407-463-1196
Support: 407-463-1196